
Publication Links
This list of hyperlinked publications is only a small fraction of Dr. Gustafson's publications. For a complete list, please see the Curriculum Vitae page.
The numbers assigned to the publications correspond to the numbering in
Dr. Gustafson's Curriculum Vitae.
1976.1 A Fast-Convergence Infinite Product for the Gamma Function
1982.1 Ph.D.Dissertation
1983.1 Total Positivity of Hypergeometric Functions
1986.2 Introducing Replicated VLSI to Supercomputing: The FPS-164/MAX Scientific Computer
T1986.2 Programming the FPS T Series
1986.4 A Language-Independent Set of Benchmarks for Parallel Processors
1986.5 The Architecture of a Homogeneous Vector Supercomputer
1987.1 Increasing Hypercube Communications on Low-Dimensional Problems
1988.1 Reevaluating Amdahl's Law
1988.2 The Scaled-Sized Model: A Revision of Amdahl's Law
1988.4 Programming and Performance on a Cube-Connected Architecture
1988.6 Development Of Parallel Methods For A 1024-Processor Hypercube
1989.3 "Compute-Intensive Processors," chapter for Parallel Processing for Supercomputers & Artificial Intelligence
1989.6 A Radar Simulation Program for a 1024-Processor Hypercube
1989.7 Are Parallel Computers 'Special Purpose'
1990.2 Fixed Time, Tiered Memory, and Superlinear Speedup
1990.3 Supercomputing in the Year 2000
1990.5 SLALOM: The First Scalable Supercomputer Benchmark
1991.1 SLALOM: The Race Continues
1991.2 The Design of a Scalable, Fixed Time Computer Benchmark
1991.4 SLALOM: Is Your Computer on the List?
1992.1 The Consequences of Fixed Time Performance Measurement
T1992.1 Massively Parallel Searching for Better Algorithms, or How to do a Cross Product with Five Multiplication
1992.2 The Vector Gravy Train
T1994.1 HINT: A New Way to Measure Computer Performance
1995.1 HINT: A New Way to Measure Computer Performance
T1995.1A New Paradigm for Computer Users
1995.2 A Paradigm for Grand Challenge Performance Evaluation
T1996.1 Developer Details Advantages of HINT Benchmark
1996.3 NetPIPE: A Network Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator
1998.1 Conventional Benchmarks as a Sample of the Performance Spectrum
1998.2 Computational Verifiability of the ASCI Program
1998.4 Reconstruction of the Atanasoff-Berry Computer
k2000.1 The Mainstreaming of Interval Arithmetic
k2003.1 Sun's HPCS Approach: Hero
2004.1 Purpose-Based Benchmarks
T2005.1 Sun's Gustafson on Envisioning HPC Roadmaps for the Future
T2006.1 ClearSpeed Advance: A Hardware Accelerator for the Intel Math Library
T2006.2 The New Limits on High Performance Computing
T2006.3 Acceleration Technologies: Understanding the Differences and Assessing what's Right for you
T2007.1 Latency, Bandwidth, and Accelerators
T2007.2 Using Accelerators to Escape the Shackles of 20th Century Software
T2007.3 Algorithm Leadership
T2007.4 A Study of Accelerator Options for Maximizing Cluster Performance